Terms and Conditions
I understand that Devmark Construction (Pty) Ltd (“Devmark Property Group”) is responsible for the administrative processing of this application. Devmark Property Group and its subsidiary companies (including the entity where I am submitting my information) will use any Personal Information (as described in the Protection of Personal Information Act) on this application form for recruitment and selection purposes only and, should my application be successful, for purposes connected with my employment.
Registration of my application and/or receipt of acknowledgement thereof is not an indication that my application will lead to employment. I understand that privacy is important to Devmark Property Group and that Devmark Property Group will use reasonable efforts to ensure that any Personal Information in its possession or processed on its behalf is kept confidential and stored in a secure manner.
I confirm that submitting this application to Devmark Property Group constitutes an indefinite, unconditional, specific and voluntary consent to the processing of my Personal Information in the following manner by Devmark Property Group and/or third parties:
- Personal Information may be shared by Devmark Property Group with MIE and may be further shared by MIE with verification information suppliers for verification or other legitimate investigations;
- The results of the verification or other legitimate investigations may be shared with Devmark Property Group for purposes of continued or future employment or for other legitimate purposes; and
- Personal Information may be stored indefinitely by Devmark Property Group, MIE and/or the verification information suppliers. Personal Information will only be processed subject to the provisions of POPI.
I understand that I may withdraw any consent provided herein in writing.
I accept the responsibility for securing the privacy of e-mail and cell phone messages that may be sent to me.
I hereby authorise Devmark Property Group to contact my references as stipulated on my application form.
I warrant that all information, including Personal Information, supplied to Devmark Property Group is accurate and current and agree to correct and update such information when necessary.
There are currently no job listings available.